Saturday, June 2, 2007

4 weeks to Go!!

until the holidays!!!!!!!!! Not that I'm looking forward to them or anything :)

Fairly quiet week really. Went to Jo Jingles on Monday. DD was a little strange with it as we have missed all the classes since Easter due to illness and doctor's appointments - but she settled down eventually and enjoyed the last 15 minutes. Will hopefully enjoy it more next Monday.

Went to the Art Stamps fair at the Corn Exchange today..won free tickets on UKS to get in which was fab...I never win anything...cheered me up no end. Was very good and only bought some bits and pieces. Some felt alphabet stickers. some paint dabbers, brads and a really cute set of Xmas stamps for this year's cards! Will probably forget I have them by November but they are lovely! Saw some absolutely gorgeous stuff but had to walk away as I need to start saving for the summer. Have booked our hols...going to the Lake District and to N. Ireland..really looking forward to the break.

Going to start a mini book for DH tonite for Father's Day and need to package up the card I made for my Aunt and Uncle's 50th wedding anniversary..Will post it tomorrow at ASDA, as I forgot today.

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