Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Lady Who Lunches...

which I was yesterday! Had a lovely lunch at one of the local mum's houses - 6 of us with kids all around the same plenty to talk about and discuss. Then off to Grandma's house. She had made a chocolate cake for DH's birthday - so DD very excited to get the chance to decorate it. Definitely has a style all her own, using icing tubes, 3 different types of sprinkles and chocolate letters we created a very unique looking cake - will have to get a piccie and post it.

All is well with the bump - the hospital bag is packed and MIL has the travel cot up in the spare room and has a supply of DD friendly food in case we have to go in overnight or in the early hours. Would be great if it was at the weekend like DD...would make it a lot simpler.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

4 Weeks to Go!!

until the baby is born! As you can see things have been progressing since my last blog entry! Early part of the summer was a mixture of morning sickness, holidays and tiredness. The second part of the summer led onto a horrendous autumn - as I took acute sciatica and ended up on a strong painkillers and injections and complete bedrest...not an ideal situation in your 2nd trimester.

Ended up not returning to work and now on maternity leave. Can't believe how quickly this pregnancy has gone and that the wee one is due so soon. Just hoping all goes well after everything that has happened.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

4 weeks to Go!!

until the holidays!!!!!!!!! Not that I'm looking forward to them or anything :)

Fairly quiet week really. Went to Jo Jingles on Monday. DD was a little strange with it as we have missed all the classes since Easter due to illness and doctor's appointments - but she settled down eventually and enjoyed the last 15 minutes. Will hopefully enjoy it more next Monday.

Went to the Art Stamps fair at the Corn Exchange today..won free tickets on UKS to get in which was fab...I never win anything...cheered me up no end. Was very good and only bought some bits and pieces. Some felt alphabet stickers. some paint dabbers, brads and a really cute set of Xmas stamps for this year's cards! Will probably forget I have them by November but they are lovely! Saw some absolutely gorgeous stuff but had to walk away as I need to start saving for the summer. Have booked our hols...going to the Lake District and to N. Ireland..really looking forward to the break.

Going to start a mini book for DH tonite for Father's Day and need to package up the card I made for my Aunt and Uncle's 50th wedding anniversary..Will post it tomorrow at ASDA, as I forgot today.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's been happening.......

not a huge amount really but still too busy to put time aside for my blog!

May has flown by, cannot believe how this year has gone so quickly - what with work and DD I seem to be running just to stay in the same place at times. Mums who work full time have my respect - just for how organised they must be.

The family are all doing well. DD's walking is getting more confident. We went to try and buy her a pair of proper shoes but the shop wouldn't sell us any, as they said she needed to be steadier on her feet. Bit of a wasted journey but at least proved the shop were not just going to sell us any old thing to make a profit.

Haven't scrapped alot this month - missed the Edinburgh crop as the whole family went down with a tummy bug in quick being the last one and I was tucked up in bed for most of the weekend. Felt awful but nice to get to lie in bed...a real luxury in our house at the moment. DD usually wakes up at 6am and makes no distinction between the weekend and the working week. Hence we are early risers in our house and will be for the forseeable future.

Photo is of my lovely Aunt Laura and Uncle Walter..its their 50th wedding anniv next month!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Trundling along.....

is what I am doing at the moment. DD's everlasting cold of the last 6 months took a turn for the worst last week and we ended up at the doctor's again. Her chest was clear but her cough had got alot worse..luckily improving now..but now I've got it! Lost my voice in work on Thursday and Friday, much to the amusement of everyone I was working the end of Friday I sounded like a very quiet version of Barry White.

Enjoying the warmer weather - I've been taking DD to the park to play on the swings and at the weekend we put up the swing that we got her for her birthday. Now she has LOVED the swings in the park and her friend's identical we put her in her new swing in the garden expecting big smiles and lots of laughs. Cue crying and mass hysterics on 3 separate occaisons. Not even the sight of her favourite bunny being pushed in the swing by Grandma made any difference.

The photo is there to prove she it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Sorry for not posting in so long - busy and distracted for most of the last part of March!

On holiday at the moment which is lovely. Spent a week with my folks which was very relaxing. Mum and Dad haven't seen DD since Xmas, so they had a great time getting reacquainted. Funny to watch my Dad - was very nervous of DD as a baby but now having a whale of a time with her and she absolutely loved him. The weather was fantastic all week, probably the best week we have had in Ireland for years. Mum was very good and minded DD for us and let us get away for lunch on a couple of occaisons. Nice to have time to ourselves and talk about adult things with no interruptions.

Back home now - DD in nursery today, so trying to get a bit of tidying done around the house while I have some peace and quiet. Also got my hair cut this morning - was very sick and tired of my growing out bob, so got in in a much shorter (for me!) bob which is layered at the back. Feels very strange...much less hair than before!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

1st Birthday ...Part 2

DD's birthday on Monday went really well. We had a quiet morning - opened some presents and pottered about the house. Then Grandma came down at lunchtime and we opened the rest of her pressies and then went to the Botanics for a walk. Had a nice wander around and fed the ducks, then went to the cafe for a coffee and home.

MIL came back around in the evening for tea and to watch 'March of the Penguins'. I gave it to DH for Xmas and it has taken us until now to get to watch it! Really enjoyed it - the photography was stunning and the story of the conditions the penguins endure was actually quite gripping.LOL