Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What's been happening.......

not a huge amount really but still too busy to put time aside for my blog!

May has flown by, cannot believe how this year has gone so quickly - what with work and DD I seem to be running just to stay in the same place at times. Mums who work full time have my respect - just for how organised they must be.

The family are all doing well. DD's walking is getting more confident. We went to try and buy her a pair of proper shoes but the shop wouldn't sell us any, as they said she needed to be steadier on her feet. Bit of a wasted journey but at least proved the shop were not just going to sell us any old thing to make a profit.

Haven't scrapped alot this month - missed the Edinburgh crop as the whole family went down with a tummy bug in quick being the last one and I was tucked up in bed for most of the weekend. Felt awful but nice to get to lie in bed...a real luxury in our house at the moment. DD usually wakes up at 6am and makes no distinction between the weekend and the working week. Hence we are early risers in our house and will be for the forseeable future.

Photo is of my lovely Aunt Laura and Uncle Walter..its their 50th wedding anniv next month!