Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What My Birthdate Means

This one comes courtesy of Kat :) I agree with some of it but I don't think 'inner peace' is my strength....I wish!

Spiritual and thoughtful, you tend to take a step back from the world.
You're very sensitive to what's going on around you, yet you remain calm.
Although you are brilliant, it may take you a while to find your niche.
Your creativity is supreme, but it sometimes makes it hard for you to get things done.

Your strength: Your inner peace

Your weakness: You get stuck in the clouds

Your power color: Emerald

Your power symbol: Leaf

Your power month: November

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

Monday, January 29, 2007

Birthday Blues

Not my birthday - DH's in fact. The reason I am blue being that I haven't got him any pressies for tomorrow. In my defence I should say, I have been hassling him for what he wants since the New Year and I did point out that a non driving, part time working mum of a 10 month old has limited shopping time available but to no avail.

Hence his pressies to open tomorrow morning will consist of:

A framed photo of him and DD (from DD)
A box of Chocolates (from DD)
4 creme eggs (from me)

I'm lunching with a friend at the Gyle tomorrow, so if he can come up with any good ideas, I can get him something slightly more 'classy' for tomorrow evening. Tomorrow will be a rush actually - DH's mum and brother and wife are coming around for dinner. We are having spicy carrot and parsnip soup for starters (made last night and in the freezer), roast beef with all the trimmings for the main course ( yes I love my slow cooker!) and whatever looks good in M&S for dessert. I think the "trimmings" for the roast beef will also be from M&S! I am aiming for as stress free an evening as possible.

Jo Jingles went well today. The first week DD clung to me and refused to move - 2 weeks later. I am now chasing her around the room as she attacks everyone's waterbottle. She also crawls up to 'collect' the instruments with the other babies which is cute.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Book Party

is where I have been today. Usbourne books for kids to be more precise. One of my friends was holding it and it was very good. Got 2 books for DD, one for my niece and one for me.LOL

This week has been fine - DD continues to eat like a horse and thos week's entertainment has been trying to start her tooth cleaning routine, which at the moment involves much crying, struggling and nashing of said tooth. We've been assured it will get easier..hopefully very very soon!

DH has ordered me the little mermaid trollbead for my birthday - on behalf of DD. I've also ordered a little mermaid Dollybead to match in the most gorgeous shades of blue/green.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A Good Day

I hope this title doesn't jinx us for this evening but have had a good day. Jo Jingles was alot better this week - DD seemed to enjoy it more and that in turn made me like it more. Had a lovely walk down to the church but the pavements in our estate were so slippy with ice it was untrue. I nearly fell twice.. I was glad to get home in one piece. Another reason for the the good day was that DD's appetite seems to be getting better. Had a full lunch and tea, without the usual cajoling and hissy fits ( her and me!) that we usually go through. Amazing how such a small thing can qualify your day as being good!

In the afternoon a friend came around with her wee one and we had a chat while they played. Spent a lot of time laughing at the wee ones and power struggle they were having for the toys. Had to separate them on several occasions before one got hurt. Goodness knows what they will be like as toddlers.

Off to do some work.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A Busy Weekend

Sitting down at last after 2 very busy days. Saturday up at 5am with DD and then up 'properly' at 8am. After getting sorted I headed out for the Edinburgh crop. Good to see everyone again - I really appreciate DH taking DD for the day so I can go - its my one day all to myself that I am guaranteed a month and I do like it.

Managed to get a LO done of DD and DH - I like it but I don't think it was very inspired..I see everyone else's lovely work and feel more than a bit amateurish but I enjoy doing it, so I'll plod along.LOL. Left at 3.30 to go to K's 1st birthday party. Had a good time but had to leave before the cake was cut. I'd been told it would be cake and juice, so we expected to get away quite early but food was served and it all got delayed. Felt really bad but had to get home to feed DD and get her ready for bed as we were heading out for dinner with BIL andSIL at the Loon Fung.

Had a lovely meal - stuffed at the end and went back for Coffee and then back to rescue MIL from baby sitting duties.

Today had a quiet morning and then met up with friends at the golf club for lunch. Between us we had a 3year old, 14 month old and a 10 month old - spent our time expecting some pringle wearing stalwart of the club to complain but everyone was very nice.

Off to Jo Jingles tomorrow and might call in and see MIL as well.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Let it Snow!

Spent most of the morning watching snowflakes drift past the window - freezing cold here but not the terrible storms that England is having. A good day - DD much more settled at nursery ( sorry if I sound obsessed but I am!) and eating much more. Little monkey had us up for 1 1/2 last night between 2.30am and 4am...a bit bleary eyed in work today, going to give her a dream feed tonight to see if it stops her waking up.

Still waiting for my trollbead to be delivered :( Hopefully will arrive tomorrow.

Off to do some work and try to get organised for tomorrow and for the crop on Saturday

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Week 2.....

back at work. Had a lovely day today but worried about DD going into nursery as has been clingy child from hell for the last 2 days, which is very unlike her - we think she is just unsettled with my return to work, plus restarting nursery and being poorly for so long. Evidently upset when DH left her off this morning - hoping she settled down ok as the day went on and actually ate something for once.

We went to the drop in clinic yesterday and she weighed in at 18lb 3oz - 10 oz heavier than the start of November which isn't great but understandable given how off colour she has been the last few weeks. To be honest I was relieved that she had put any weight on at all. I was convinced she had lost some but the health visitor was very reassuring and gave us some good advice about feeding.

Weather here very cold this evening, evidently snow was falling yesterday evening but we didn't even notice.LOL. Its forecast for tomorrow as well but I hope it doesn't come - nice when it is white and crisp and clean but hate the slush and the dirt that comes after it.

What else? Got a new trollbead - the love heart print and it looks very cute on the bracelet - decided I needed to cheer myself up after returning to work...any old excuse will do really

Monday, January 15, 2007

Jo Jingles

That was the name of the class I took DD to today. It was good fun..not as well organized IMO as the tinytalk classes but fun for DD. Was actually a bit taken aback with DD - she is not a shy child and has always been great at any class/group we have gone to but today clung to me like mad, must be unsettled after being ill and starting back to nursery. We wondered if she saw all the other babies and thought it was nursery and that I was going to leave her..hence crawling up my leg and clutching on..poor wee soul. She settled down after a while and seemed to get into it more.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Quiet Day

Just checking in, I did say I would make a bigger effort to post in my blog, so this is it.LOL

Had a nice weekend - didn't do a great deal but relaxed and managed to get a lie in until 8am both Saturday and Sunday..though DD did come into bed with us. Went to Mothercare on Saturday to get a birthday present for Katie's 1st birthday next Wednesday and then zipped home, as the weather was just so stormy. DH was out with his badminton club, so I had a quiet night in and watched The Lake House on teleport movies. Just as I was going to bed at midnight, DD woke up and didn't go back down until 2am...I have been shattered today!

DD has been looking a lot brighter the last couple of days..still not keen to take anything lumpy but eating bigger portions and drinking more milk. Hopefully this is her on the mend and she will avoid catching any more viruses until she is a bit more recovered. We are starting a new class tomorrow up in JG. Its called Jo Jingles and is a music based activity class for wee ones. Sounds quite good and its on a Monday so I'm not at work. We really enjoyed the baby signing classes on Wednesdays but unfortunately had to give them up because of me returning to work. Fingers crossed we will enjoy these classes and maybe meet some mums from the local area.

Off to do some work for school

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Catch Up Time

Guilty of not blogging at all for a very long time! My main reason being the run up to Xmas got a bit hectic and my poorly DD is still poorly - She has caught one cold after another and has been off colour for about 6 weeks now. We are back on smooth purees and fighting to get her to eat anything other than fruit and yoghurt. She's bright enough most of the time but tires out quickly and has been very clingy. Keeping our fingers crossed that when she shakes this cold, she won't catch another bug immediately.

I'm back to work..started on Wednesday. Not as bad as I thought it would be..The anticipation was worse than the event.LOL It's going to be very hectic but actually good to get a bit of my 'old life' back. DD has found it a bit strange as has missed nursery the last 3 weeks because of Xmas and being ill but hopefully will settle in better next week.

What else to report...looking forward to the Edinburgh crop next week, DH has marked it in his diary and will give me a lift in to town. Will try and get some pages on Shona done and maybe have a look at the Book of Me kit I got from Creating Keepsakes before Xmas.

Got a lovely trollbead bracelet for Xmas and have enjoyed following the trollbead thread on UKS - DH and MIL are going to buy me some more beads for my birthday in Feb, so I am trying to resist buying too many on my own.